

It’s school holiday time and today the kids and I were fortunate enough to get amongst nature and catch up with some very special friends . These are two of my favourite things.

Everyone needs to spend time with friends (other than just family) that we feel at complete ease with while sharing time together. People that we are deeply aligned with, that we share the same values and whom we can freely express our true selves. These special relationships can be reflected in many ways; deep conversations, laughter, tears or even just being side by side in silence.

“Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. The power that connection holds in our lives was confirmed when the main concern about connection emerged as the fear of disconnection; the fear that something we have done or failed to do, something about who we are or where we come from, has made us unlovable and unworthy of connection.” Dr Brene Brown

Connection is a very important part of cultivating mental wellness and physical health in all of us. It’s an element that should never be overlooked!

Being a great friend is however a two-way game. We need be able to not only communicate well, but we need to be a good listener too.

True friends can truly empathise when you are going through tough times. We all need someone with whom we can open up to when our journey gets a bit rocky. We need friends who are always there for us, allow us to be seen, heard and valued. That in itself is enough to give us the strength to keep on going.

The beautiful thing is, the deeper we are able to connect with ourselves and develop self-love and self-acceptance, the deeper we are then able to connect with others around us too.

Who are some of those special people in your life?

Is there someone you connect deeply with?

Who fills up your happiness ‘cup’ when you spend time with them?

TAG someone below that you love and are truly grateful for.

Happy friendships x