
Mighty Magnesium

Are you living and trying to function on an empty fuel tank? Do you feel like you’re constantly wading through mud?

You could possibly be magnesium deficient. If you’re deficient in magnesium, your body (particularly your cells) just won’t be functioning optimally!

When was the last time that your doctor tested your red blood cell magnesium levels? Do you ever see this mineral written on the back of any food nutritional labels?

Magnesium deficiency is one of the most undiagnosed nutrient deficiencies in modern society. I think it’s time we became aware of it’s extreme importance within our bodies.

Why is this mineral so important you ask?

A mentor of mine, Morley Robbins aka the Magnesium Man, sums up Magnesium’s role in the body extremely well:

“This mighty mineral, primarily acting within our cells, is responsible for the proper functioning of approximately 80 percent of the body’s metabolic processes. It does this by activating more than a thousand (at least 1,300 and very likely many more) metabolic pathways in the body, including those responsible for protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism.”

Here is a list of some of the crucial functions in which magnesium plays a role:

  • Detoxification
  • Hormone regulation
  • Thyroid health
  • Steroid hormone production (estogen, progesteron, etc)
  • Stress management
  • DNA protection and repair
  • Blood sugar stabilization
  • Healthy immune function
  • Strong bones and teeth
  • Proper nerve functioning
  • Blood vessel dilation
  • Exercise recovery
  • And so much more!

So why are we so deficient in magnesium?

When we go through periods of stress, magnesium is the first mineral in our body that becomes depleted. Our body burns this mineral up at a rapid rate to cope with the increased demands of our nervous system. As a consequence, this causes a ripple effect on many other pathways in our body. This can cause an imbalance of other minerals and a decreased production of enzymes, which in turn alters our production of hormones. This can result in a series of unwanted symptoms within our body such as fatigue, low immunity, cramps, abnormal blood pressure and many others.

Other reasons for magnesium deficiency are; poor diet, depleted soil, gut problems, high caffeine intake and medications.

How do I boost my magnesium levels?

You can boost your magnesium levels by increasing your intake of magnesium-rich foods such as cruciferous vegetables, nuts, dark chocolate, leafy greens, buckwheat, fish, bananas and more.

However you may need an extra boost and require supplementation.

But, not all magnesium is the same and some supplements may not be suitable. It’s best to speak to your health practitioner to find the right type and dose of magnesium to cater for your individual needs.

Comments: 2

  • Rachael


    Great read Claire Bear xx

  • 12/08/2019

    Great read! Thank you for this information.

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