

According to the World Health Organisation (2018) “Pesticides are chemical compounds that are used to kill pests, including insects, rodents, fungi and unwanted plants (weeds). By their nature, pesticides are potentially toxic to other organisms, including humans.”

Pesticides are used everywhere; home gardens, schools, parks, beaches, walking paths and agricultural fields to name a few. The science is now confirming that even low levels of exposure can harm human health, and children are particularly vulnerable. So why are they continually used so readily in our food when alternative farming methods do exist….? Sadly, more and more pesticides are now being used on crops. As a result ‘super weeds’ and ‘super bugs’ are evolving. These are resistant to spraying.

The good thing is that you do have a choice!!! You can choose to eat food that is either organic or not sprayed (find a local farmer you trust). You can grow your own produce, or you can look at the Environmental Working Group (EWG) website. The EWG have up to date information on the dirty dozen (the most heavily sprayed conventional produce) and clean fifteen (the least sprayed conventional produce) which helps you to make a more informed choice and save money, while also avoiding highly sprayed produce.

Have a look at their video here:

Did you know that some of the most toxic foods to eat conventionally are Spinach and Strawberries?!? According to the EWG testing results, a single strawberry contained more than 20 chemical pesticides!!

So today we went berry picking. We chose to support a local farmer who grows their berries using 100% natural methods. Thank you Raven’s Creek, these berries are divine and I know they will help to enhance our health and well-being, and not cause us harm.